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Topic of Discussion

Tackling Narco-Terrorism in Afghanistan and Central Asia.

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Topic Description

Narco-terrorism in Afghanistan and Central Asia represents a rather complex and deeply rooted topic as it intertwines the drug trade with terrorism, insurgency and regional instability. Afghanistan, as the world’s largest producer of opium, serves as a financial hub for terrorist organisations, militias, and criminal networks, which exploit drug revenues to fund violence and destabilise governments. The challenge extends across Central Asia, where porous borders, weak state institutions, and corruption allow drug traffickers and terrorists to operate with relative impunity. Addressing this problem requires a comprehensive strategy from all delegates that combines law enforcement, counter-narcotics operations, regional cooperation, and socio-economic development. Moreover, efforts must be made to dismantle the financial networks connecting drug traffickers and terrorists while also enhancing border security and intelligence sharing between nations in the region, as strengthening governance and providing alternative livelihoods to farmers involved in illicit drug production are also crucial components of a sustainable solution.
This matter is further complicated by geopolitical interests, as regional powers like Russia, China, and the U.S. have varying approaches and priorities in combating both drug trafficking and terrorism in this area.



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